What do consumers say:
“Have saved my gums. I use it every day “Jannie
“It’s really good for my gums, had gingivitis, but it was gone after using DentaCure as well as I had less toothstone said my dentist”, Maibrith
“I had incipient paranosis, but after using this toothpaste, I am completely symptomatic”, Susanne
“We’ve tried it and got quite excited about it… My husband has perientose and after using the toothpaste he gets great praise of the dentist “, Alice
“Tried it when I was extra exposed to teeth and gums because of medication, and even my dentist was surprised at the result and it has come to be”, Carsten
“I am here starting paranosis and fighting a lot with ice cubes in the teeth. It is DentaCure a great help to limit “, Pernelle
See more consumer comments under the “Recommendations”
What do dentists say:
Colosseum Clinic Nørreport:
“DentaCure is part of our treatment plan and we recommend it to anyone with gum problems”
Himmelev Dental House:
“DentaCure produces good results in reduced bleeding and reduction of tooth stones. DentaCure is mild against delicate mucous membranes, dry mouth and blisters and we recommend DentaCure to all ”